Wyoming Early Childhood Collaborative Conference
This event will take place at Central Wyoming College in Riverton, WY.
Hunter Clark-Fields Presentation – “Raising Good Humans”
This event will take place at the Laramie Holiday Inn Express and will be open to all parents and early childhood providers.
Emotional Regulation Workshop
Emotional regulation workshop taking place in Laramie County
Therapeutic Classroom Environment Workshop
Therapeutic classroom environment workshop taking place in Sheridan County
Emotional Regulation Workshop
Emotional regulation workshop taking place in Converse County
Emotional Regulation Workshop
Emotional regulation workshop taking place in Natrona County
Therapeutic Classroom Environment Workshop
Therapeutic classroom environment workshop taking place in Albany County
Emotional Regulation Workshop
Emotional regulation workshop taking place in Fremont County
Emotional Regulation Workshop (STARS Approved)
This event will take place at the Laramie County Library in Cheyenne, WY. It is open to all early childhood providers/professionals.
Week of the Young Child Celebration
Come and celebrate the Week of the Young Child at Kenny Sailors gymnasium (north gym) in the Civic Center of Laramie, WY. There will be games, food, information tables and much more. This event is open to all families.
UW ECHO Session: Social and Emotional Competence of Children
This session will focus on family and child interactions that help children develop the ability to communicate clearly, recognize and regulate their emotions and establish and maintain relationships.
Presenters: Martha Nesslinger
Sign-up here: https://www.uwyo.edu/wind/echo/families-autism/index.html
WYECBC Weekend Workshops: Early Childhood Behavioral Health Seminar
Come join us for a day-long seminar on early childhood mental and behavioral health. A series of 4 different sessions will be presented including; Fostering Development in the Growing Brain, Creating a Therapeutic Environment for Emotional Growth, Emotional Regulation, and Engaging Parents in Education. All will be presented on-line via Zoom.
Sign up here
UW ECHO Session: ADD, Autism, Trauma and Other Unique Brain Wiring Conditions
We will use some of the most current information about how to help nurture the brain and thinking patterns of children who actually have brain changes or differences that get in the way of their social/emotional growth. We will explore skills that caregivers and parents can utilize to support these children and how these skills actually build long term change for the children who need the most support.
Cowboy State Conference
Come join us as we present at the Cowboy State Conference on October 21 and 22 in Casper, WY.

UW ECHO Session: Transitions and Other Classroom Expectations
Throughout this session, we address classroom set ups and routines and using our previous sessions, explore how these procedures and interactions cause problems at times for young children and what alternatives or supports would assist within the classroom setting.

UW ECHO Session: Challenging Behaviors and Developmental Appropriateness
Going further from our first session, we will explore some of the behaviors exhibited by children that trouble ECE caretakers and parents. We will talk about what is appropriate, the function of these behaviors and how to begin to build neuronal wiring that will help extinguish these behaviors effectively over time.

UW ECHO Session: The Developing Brain
In this session, we will explore some of the basics of brain development to notice how the brain works in supporting our development from birth into later childhood. We will talk about the limits in cognitive understanding and the importance of “animal” (flight, fight, freeze) responses in young children. We will be able to understand the “how” and “why” of some of children’s responses that are actually functional responses even as we see them as “difficult behaviors”. In this session, we will address the vital importance of the establishment of a healthy relationship to nurture change in our children and in ourselves.